
Content Marketing in FinTech: Bringing Clarity to the Financial World with Content

Good content marketing in FinTech is the key to success. The industry is booming and often consists of young start-ups that are turning our traditional banking and financial institutions upside down. But anyone who thinks that these brands in particular are treading new paths is mistaken. After all, an outdated marketing mix is all too likely to clash with the same outdated financial preferences and behaviors of potential customers. If you want to stand out, you have to be daring and should also take a look at other sectors!

Source: Unsplash

Content can change the way we perceive brands. Good content can therefore help companies of all sizes to stand out from the competition and become more visible to their own target group. Brands that invest in a solid strategy and, above all, execution can increase their sales. As technology leaders that influence how we handle money, FinTechs have interesting stories, but above all tips to share with the community.

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B2C and Content Marketing in Fintech: Digital on the Right Track

Many people probably use at least one app to manage their finances in some way. In the B2C sector, FinTech companies are therefore often already dealing with technologically savvy consumers who want to carry out their financial transactions conveniently online and via mobile devices. Digital natives who have fewer questions about the product, but much more about their lifestyle. What’s more, in the digital age, this content must be one thing above all else: quick and easy to access!

N26, the no-bullshit bank, covers almost the entire spectrum when it comes to content marketing. Whether Instagram, Facebook, YouTube or blog – potential customers are offered a lot of content here. Despite the many different platforms and countries, the brand presence is consistent and there is a lot of interaction with the community. Although the social media channels in particular could shine with more substantial content, the blog and community work in particular make up for a lot here.

In order to survive against the competition in the content marketing jungle, it is important to distribute the content well. It is also recommended to use the right SEO keywords as high up in the Google ranking as possible and to be very active on social media. In order to ultimately expand the reach a little more, it is worth sharing content with other FinTech platforms. Working with influencers – including backlinks – can also contribute to success.

B2B and Content Marketing in Fintech: Please don’t get bored!

As in other industries, B2B brands are lagging somewhat behind their B2C counterparts when it comes to innovative marketing strategies. And this despite the fact that there is a lot of content to share here. Even questions from the target group often cannot be answered in three sentences. Content serves primarily as a trust-building measure that strengthens the relationship between the brand and its customers. A look behind the scenes can also build trust and attract potential customers.

TikTok, Instagram and Co.: Not all Channels are useful

For B2B FinTechs in particular, however, the following applies: know your target group and deliver quality content where it can be found. Simply playing all channels wildly here leads to an immense waste of time and money. So whether a TikTok profile is really worthwhile can be found out quickly through a precise target group analysis (psst… it probably isn’t). What’s more, just because the questions may be boring doesn’t mean the answers have to be. B2B brands would therefore do well to embed their content in exciting formats.

So it doesn’t always have to be a lengthy blog post, but rather “snackable content” on Instagram, for example. A listicle, beautifully realized graphically, can also attract attention  . One company that does a really good job here is Billomat.

For around three years now, the Nuremberg-based FinTech has been focusing on communicating with the community via social media and a magazine that leaves no questions unanswered. Texts and images are far removed from dusty B2B communication. Nevertheless, all content is of a high quality – just not boring. So if you have any questions about accounting, taxes or entrepreneurship, you are welcome to take a look at the accounting tool’s magazine.

Conclusion: Generating Attention with Content Marketing in Fintech

Good content is at least as important for companies as positive press coverage. Even companies with a low profile and a small marketing budget can benefit from investing in quality content. Small FinTech start-ups in particular can make a lasting impression on potential customers, boost sales and stand out amidst all the advertising noise.

If you enjoyed our blog post about content marketing in FinTech and want to gain even more practical knowledge, listen to our podcast episode about the finanz-heldinnen and their female empowerment on Instagram.

Manja Rehfeld

Mit ihrer Leidenschaft für die englische Sprache, Notizen und ausgiebiger Recherche ist Manja der Sherlock Holmes der Earlybirds – immer auf der Suche nach Fakten und Informationen für Geschichten.

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