Mashup in der Presse

Self-determined Makers: Cliché-Free in the Visual Representation

The careers pages of DAX 30 companies often still reflect traditional gender roles and clichés, even though these companies officially position themselves as employers with young, diverse teams. A study by Mashup Communications shows that these attempts to portray a diverse corporate culture are often unsuccessful.

Clichéd Representations on Career Pages: An Analysis of DAX 30 Companies

The study analyzed the portrayals of 1850 people on the careers pages of DAX 30 companies and found that many of these pages are characterized by clichés. For example, older, white men are often portrayed as knowledge brokers, while young, smiling women are seen in the home office. These representations can put off potential applicants, especially older applicants or those who do not conform to the usual ideal of beauty.

Gender Stereotypes: Women smile, Men appear more serious

The study also shows that women often smile on career pages, while men appear more serious. This is in line with common stereotypes where women are encouraged to be smiling and nice, while serious looking women are perceived as aloof or arrogant. The representation of diversity, inclusion and diversity is also inadequate, as most of the people depicted are white and slim.

Need for Revision: More Realistic Presentations for a Broader appeal to Applicants

The results of the study suggest that the DAX 30 companies still have gender roles anchored in their visual language that make women appear less self-determined and competent. There is a need to rethink the presentation on career sites and to present a more realistic and diverse reality of life in order to appeal to applicants regardless of gender, age, appearance or skin color.

Read the full article on WirtschaftsWoche.

More Articles on this Topic:

Attention clichés! Mashup Communications examines DAX 30 companies


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