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Serial Listening Pleasure: The 10 Best (inter)national Storytelling Podcasts

It wasn’t so long ago that radios were part of the basic equipment in every home. Whether we were showering, cooking or reading, we were always accompanied by the gentle background noise of soft radio voices and melodic pop music. But a look through the homes of friends and colleagues shows that streaming has long since replaced linear formats here too. One audio format in particular has gained popularity in recent years: Podcasts have arrived in the mainstream.

Most people hear it, private individuals and companies alike produce it and everyone talks about it. Titles such as “Fest & Flauschig” or “Paardiologie” are cult and there is hardly anyone who has never heard of “Gemischtes Hack“. But what does the picture look like when it comes to serial formats that really tell a story? How is storytelling implemented in podcasts? We have compiled a list of the ten best titles for you here. So stay tuned!

This American Life: The Mother of all Storytelling Podcasts?

    “This American Life” is originally a one-hour radio program produced for Chicago Public Radio. It went on air for the first time in November 1995 and is rightly regarded as the mother of all audio storytelling formats. Since 2016, the title has also been available as a weekly podcast. The special thing about each episode is that the reports on a particular topic are examined from a wide variety of angles. Moderated by Ira Glass, the main part is mostly told from a first-person perspective. Enriched with essays, short stories or memoirs. Whether it’s Hurricane Katrina or Trump’s asylum policy, the really big issues in America and the world are discussed here and presented as multidimensional stories. It’s worth a listen!

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    Link in Bio: The Story of my Life

      This podcast by Samira El Ouassil and Friedemann Karig, which was launched in November 2023, is still in its infancy. The two are the authors of the book “Erzählende Affen” (Narrating Monkeys), which we would like to recommend at this point. It deals with the power of strong narratives from antiquity to the present day, which can and have determined the course of world history.

      The podcast, on the other hand, revolves around the personal biographies of prominent guests. In episode 2, for example, we meet Tyron Ricketts, who – once a successful rapper and Viva presenter – is now an actor with a production company that promotes diversity in the film industry. What all episodes have in common is that those invited have the opportunity to retell their life story.

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      Serial: Real Murder Cases in Series Format

      When the first season of “Serial” was released at the end of 2014, the producers probably had no idea what waves their format would make. The spin-off of “This American Life” dealt with the murder of schoolgirl Hae Min Lee over the course of 12 episodes. She was murdered in Baltimore in 1999, presumably by her classmate and ex-boyfriend Adnan Syed. But this is precisely what “Serial” casts doubt on. The various aspects of the case are examined episode by episode. Thrillingly exciting with atmospheric music and all kinds of background information. Last but not least, the extensive research and new findings of the producers led to the case being legally reopened in 2016. Exciting!

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      TIME Crime: The True-Crime Fascination

        Another example of how real criminal cases can be presented in a gripping and in-depth way is the “ZEIT Verbrechen” podcast. But what makes this audio crime series so fascinating? First of all, Sabine Rückert, deputy editor-in-chief of DIE ZEIT, is an absolute expert in the field of crime reporting. As a court reporter, she has observed many proceedings, reported on cases and carried out her own research.

        Every two weeks, she shares particularly bizarre or shocking legal cases with her colleague Andreas Sentker and the audience. She and Sentker usually discuss the criminal case chronologically. Rückert vividly describes the personal fates of the perpetrators and victims, thus making the crime itself tangible. Anyone who has always wanted to know what turns people into murderers and how the German legal system works should tune in every other Tuesday and be fascinated. Goosebumps with addictive potential!

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        Weird Crimes: True Crime Junkie meets Comedy

        Visa Vie, who some may remember as the Fritz presenter of “Irgendwas mit Rap”, has been producing the podcast “Weird Crimes” together with Ines Anoli since July 2021. What makes it special: While Visa Vie, as a die-hard true crime fan, meticulously researches, prepares and narrates all the cases, comedienne Ines Anioli – together with the audience – is an active listener and, like a detective, is allowed to guess or give her opinion at one point or another. As the name suggests, all cases have in common that they are “weird” in some way, which does not make them any less criminal.

        For example, it tells the story of a policeman who robs banks out of boredom during his lunch break. Or the incredible story of the Moscow chessboard murderer who, at the age of 18, had already devised the perfidious plan to equate the number of chessboard squares with his murders. As gruesome as the crimes may be, the two podcasters still manage to tell the story in an entertaining, exciting and compassionate way.

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        Faking Hitler: Super-GAU instead of World Sensation

        Over 30 years ago, in April 1983, Stern presented the Hitler diaries. Just a few days later, however, it was clear that this publication was not a sensation, but the biggest scandal in German press history to date. The diaries were forgeries, which the experienced reporter Gerd Heidemann got up to. But how could this happen? The podcast “Faking Hitler” gets to the bottom of precisely this question. Using original footage from the 1980s, it tells the story of two men who pursued different goals and yet walked a common path. Excerpts from the diaries and interviews with experts and contemporary witnesses paint a vivid picture of this male friendship that led inexorably to ruin.

        And because one amazing story is not enough, stern 2022 has produced another podcast series. It is about the Biontech story and exciting glimpses behind the scenes. Or did you know that, in addition to entrepreneurial courage, a chance meeting at the water dispenser led to the decisive moment?

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        More Perfect: Very close to the US Legal System

          Now in its third season, each episode of “More Perfect” tells a story from and about the Supreme Court, the highest court in the USA. Each case is examined in detail and the decision and its underlying laws are explained. Facts are illustrated and made tangible at eye level with the audience. This not only teaches us something about the American justice system. At the same time, we gain an exciting insight into society and learn about justice and grievances. If you’ve always wanted to delve a little deeper into the legal system in the USA, this is the right place for you!

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          Cui Bono: Who’s afraid of the Dragon Lord?

          The story of YouTuber Rainer Winkler aka “Drachenlord”, who fell victim to massive cyberbullying and thus became a perpetrator himself, is already the second Cui Bono series produced and hosted by podcaster and journalist Khesrau Behroz. The first season “Cui Bono: WTF happend to Ken Jebsen?”, which was released in 2021, won numerous awards. In six episodes, it tells how and why the extremely popular radio presenter turned to conspiracy theories and became one of the best-known corona deniers thanks to the YouTube algorithm.

          The second season also revolves around being famous on the Internet. At least that was the dream of Rainer Winkler, who initially streamed everything that came into his head without a second thought. Until individual people made fun of him and the whole thing grew into a huge hater community, which at some point didn’t even stop offline and threatened the YouTuber outside his house every day.

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          StoryCorps: „Listen. Honor. Share.“

            “StoryCorps” has set itself the goal of telling the great stories of humanity. The themes range from love, friendship and family to loss and grief. An unscripted conversation between the two protagonists creates a genuine connection that also touches the audience. True to the motto “Every story is worth telling”, this format gives all kinds of people space to share their very personal experiences.

            StoryCorps has now been around for 20 years. The production took this as an opportunity to revisit old episodes in a “Then and Now” special, which – like the episode “Love Letters” – left a strong impression on the audience, and to give an update from the present day.

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            Metro Men: A True Story about a spectacular Million-Dollar Coup

            This true crime podcast is about Fred and Günther, who use a trick to steal 36 million marks from the Metro retail group and are swimming in money overnight. The new life of luxury could be so wonderful if it weren’t for a man “who chases her across the globe regardless…” If that’s not a good hook to make you curious about the whole story, isn’t it? So it’s no wonder that the radio play entered the top league of the 2023 podcast charts immediately after its release.


            Can’t get enough of exciting audio formats? Then listen to our podcast on the topic of brand storytelling! With guests such as Martell Beck (BVG), Andrea Becher (Henkel) and Meike Ostwald (Microsoft), we talk about best-practice campaigns, employer branding and social impact. Wherever there are podcasts, and of course here.


            Unser Redaktionsteam nimmt uns mit auf eine Erkundungsreise durch die Welt des Brand Storytelling und durch unseren Agenturalltag. Es appelliert an unsere Vorstellungskraft und verzaubert uns mit Zukunftsmusik. Zudem macht es sich stark für faire Themen mit Haltung.

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