
Listen and Learn: 6 recommended Podcasts about Storytelling

I was giving another storytelling seminar the other day when a participant asked me at the end for podcast recommendations on the subject of storytelling. My handout only contained further reading, and apart from our own podcast “Praxis-Talk Brand Storytelling”, I couldn’t think of any other references off the top of my head. Back at my desk, I decided to research more podcasts about storytelling and found what I was looking for.

Here is a selection of recommended podcasts that deal with storytelling:

1. Praxis-Talk Brand Storytelling: The in-house Mashup Podcast

I have already mentioned it and hopefully most people will know it. If not, here is a brief overview of our format. Formerly alternating with me, Miriam now hosts the Brand Storytelling talk and invites different people to discuss various aspects of storytelling with her. It’s about data, audio branding, metaverse, but also about how companies such as Henkel, BVG or DB Cargo use storytelling in employer branding or their branding.

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2. Storytelling with Data: interesting facts from the luminary herself

Anyone interested in storytelling with data cannot ignore her: Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic. The bestselling author of the book of the same name deals with topics such as a better corporate culture, convincing presentations and the topic of data storytelling itself. Her mission: To ensure that in future people will never again have to be maltreated with animated 3D pie charts or similarly ineffective data visualizations!

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If you would like to find out more about storytelling with data and get started yourself, I recommend our workshop on the topic: Telling stories visually and with data

3. Storytelling That Sticks for Business and Life: storytelling hacks and how-to techniques

This podcast series comes from keynote coach Doug Stevenson, who uses strategic storytelling in a business context with his self-developed “Story Theater Method”. In this podcast, he wants to show how to choose the right stories and how to craft and deliver them in a way that makes them memorable, gets a point across or sells a product or service. Alone or with guests, the episodes are about the Million Dollar Story, Bedtime Stories or the Pattern Story, for example. What’s behind it all? Listen yourself!

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4. The Storytelling Lab: Finding your own stories

In the “Storytelling Lab” podcast, you will learn how to tell a story as authentically and effectively as possible. The host is Rain Bennett, a professional filmmaker and storyteller who has also been bringing guests into the studio for a few episodes. For example, he looks at why a strong brand and corporate culture have a positive influence on the brand story. Another episode is about finding your own heroic story through self-reflection and personal growth.

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5. Storytelling School: techniques for small and large stages

The “Storytelling School” podcast by Kymberlee Weil, who calls herself a “Speaking Strategist and Detective of Story,” also offers tools, techniques and tactics to professionalize storytelling. For example, she talks about an improv class technique called “Headlines”, in which the participants have to create a new headline from the last word of the previous person. Or she discusses with a customer from the scientific field how he can bring data to life in his next keynote.

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6. The Strategic Storytelling Podcast: Storytelling for leaders

Our last recommendation is aimed at managers. In this relatively recently launched podcast, entrepreneurs and other leaders receive tips and tricks on how to incorporate the power of stories into their speeches. The first five episodes focus on storytelling basics, such as “Why use storytelling”, “How do I find good stories?” and “How do I tell my story with confidence?”

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I also highly recommend our workshop on storytelling for managers. This deals with leaders as heroes and mentors. The seminar also provides helpful tools to take storytelling to a new level: Storytelling in Leadership


Nora ist die Komplizin, die genau vor diesen wilden Fahrten nicht zurückscheut und neue Wege mit positiver Energie, mutigem Tatendrang und Siegeswille beschreitet. Nora lässt sich gern von der Aufregung des Moments anstecken; inspiriert, motiviert und unterhält aber auch gern andere.

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